Welcome to the SCAN section website!

Welcome to the SCAN section’s website! This website is run by us students to inform you on what we do in the section.

What is the SCAN section ? 🤔

SCAN (SCiences & ANglais) is the English speaking section at INSA Lyon. It spans a period of two years (the entire FIMI/preparatory cycle). One of the goals of SCAN is to foster a multicultural environment where English is the communication tool for both students and teachers. For foreign students, the goal of the section is to help them integrate, to give them time and resources to learn French in order to focus on the content of the course.

The SCAN core-educational program is the same as the one offered in the INSA French-speaking FIMI cycle, but it also includes a cultural perspective thanks to its unique features such as transversal or foreign language classes and an adapted culture curriculum. For French students enrolling, the SCAN section is a great opportunity to become more fluent in English, to meet people from all over the world and to create long-lasting bonds!

Who can apply ? ✌️

The section welcomes both international students and French students that have a good level in English. You need to have studied science in high school, of course, to have solid groundings in mathematics and physics. On top of that, INSA is looking for students that are open to others, to culture, to sports, etc. You can check out the How to apply page to learn more.

What constitutes a good level of English, if I am not a native speaker? 🗣️

No need to be bilingual! Although you do need to be able to understand English at a B2+/C1 level. This means being able to understand English with little to no effort. Indeed, you’re going to be listening to English speaking professors 8 hours a day! After some time, it gets easier, don’t worry too much, it is a matter of getting used to it. When it comes to expression, it helps to be fluent for team projects, but it is slightly less important.
But all in all, most words in math and physics are transparent, and in the end, it’s still science : systematic and short sentences! Most of the vocabulary is new to students whether it is in French or English.

I have never lived in France? Will it be hard to integrate? 🙌

It may be hard at first but everything is made for you to feel good and enjoy your studies here at INSA. Indeed, during the summer prior to your admission, you can come earlier than other students, during the summer, to attend the so-called “French Summer School”. There you'll learn and improve your French, experiment with ways to solve scientific problems and introduce yourself to reasoning the higher education way. This way you will be sure to be ready for the years to come.

What’s special about SCAN, compared to the other sections? ✨

You’ll have 2 hours each week to learn a second language: you can either start a new one, or continue the one you were studying in high school. If you do not know French yet, classes are offered (and mandatory)! You will also have SCAN projects during the first semester’s final exams, and SCAN options each week too. But SCAN is not just about the classes, we also have a very active student life featuring an additional integration weekend, events such as Pi day, the SCAN Gala, and more! Take a look at the SCAN Life section of this website to learn more about what makes the section special.

What are the available languages? 🌐

The languages available to students who already know French are German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian. You can start at any level, even if you're a true beginner.

What is the purpose of this website ? 📍

This website has many purposes, in fact! Your first reason to come here throughout the year is (unfortunately) to train on the previous years’ exams' subjects we upload. You can find them in the TESTS section!
But this website also holds memories from SCAN events, mostly pictures, which you can take a look at.
We also regularly upload the work from our SCAN radio team! You can find it over in the SCAN MEDIA section.
Finally, if you’re reading this page, chances are you’re not a fellow SCAN student (yet)! So this website is for you to discover what the section has to offer. Do not hesitate to contact the section’s directors, or the students directly! You can find us on Instagram (@scaninsalyon), or you can email the SCAN students’ association (



SCAN Radio - 21/12/2023

SCAN Radio - Xmas 2023 Podcast (21/12/2023)

SCAN Radio - 21/12/2023

SCAN Radio - Happiness & Freedom

SCAN Radio - 21/12/2023

SCAN Radio - Happiness & Freedom

SCAN Radio - 30/03/2023

Radio Show - Interview with DAG for the "Frontières" exhibition

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