Campus Life

Le Bal


So, for your information :

📌 It will take place on Friday, May 3, 2024, from 9pm to 5am

📌 This year’s theme is Nuit au Musée, and there will be concerts, a bar, casino machines, photo booth, and so on ! Prepare your dress or your suit !



Bal? Is there a translation for that in English? It generally signifies an event where people dress formally and where dancing is involved. I say generally because you sometimes spot a few Nike Air Max’s here and there awfully matching the 700 euros tuxedo. The shoes…how could you forget?

Anyways, the INSA bal is an event held once a year between March and April where 1600 students are invited to a formal event where multiple artists such as Nick Peters or YALL entertain the scene. It is also the opportunity to ask your crush out and get rejected…or not:). Therefore you can imagine the scene: joyful and broken hearts all in the same pot with a seasoning multi-flavor sentiments. On top of that image, you can add a few first aid personnel with passed out students on their stretchers and security guards lifting students by their collars then throwing them out the door. Those make great pictures worthy of the SCAN Wall of Shame.

Please grant me a few lines to rant about something. COUP DE GUEULE against the music! When I hear bal, I rhyme it to delightful slow music and classy dance moves. You’d think going formal with a date would guarantee that. I’m sorry to burst your bubble. As you walk up to the dance floor with your date, you find yourself steadily having more trouble following the conversation with your other half. Maybe it’s a good thing because you’ve had to force yourself to listen and act interested this whole time XD.

Vai com o bum bum tam tam
Vem com o bum bum tam tam
Vai mexe o bum bum tam tam
Vem desce o bum bum tam tam
Vai mexe o bum bum tam tam
Vem desce o bum bum
Vai com o bum bum
Vem com o bum bum (com o bum bum, com o bum bum) Vai treme o bum bum tam tam tam tam tam tam tam tam tam tam tam tam tam tam….okay you get the drill.

I love that song but I am far from being intoxicated and I can’t hear myself think. Even worse, my shoes are plastered with dirt as I sporadically feel a few Nike Huaraches (they look like Crocs and Nike Roshes had a baby) on my toes. As I look angrily look down at my feet, what do I see? Butts flying here and there twerking away! Personally, I appreciate the artistic move but not here…


Next thing you know, you’re in a mosh pit. College baby.


I promise the bal isn’t so bad. The outdoor terrace where you reencounter the benefits of a civilized world is comforting and holds a chatty atmosphere.

If that’s not enough to convince you, don’t tell me I haven’t made the effort. Let me just inform you of the free croissants and pain au chocolat at 5 am when it’s over.

Maybe it’s worth the stay.