Campus Life

Karnaval Humanitaire

The Karnaval Humanitaire et Solidaire is an event organized during the week of solidarity on the campus.

This year, it will take place from March 19th to March 25th on the campus of La Doua.

📌 What is it? A carnival organized by a student association whose goal is to collect money in order to finance a project called “Eau pour Tous”.

📌 The project: Sometimes, the wells were all dry out, and the inhabitants of the village of Kiedpalgo had to walk more than 20 km to get drinkable water. The goal of the project “Eau pour Tous” is then to give   access to drinkable water to the inhabitants of this village in Burkina Faso.

📌 In the program: 1 week of animations: conferences, debates, parades, theatre, concerts, …